Stimulating the inclusion of elderly in (digital) society


Between 2,5 and 4 million people in the Netherlands struggle using digital appliances. 1,2 million people in the Netherlands have never used the internet.

The government wants to support and include everyone in being part of our increasingly digital society, and experiment with emerging technologies to enable a more inclusive society.

We were selected in SBIR’s innovation challenge to validate and further develop our value proposition that stimulates the inclusion of elderly in digital society.


In three months we created and refined the concept for “Vergeet-me-nietjes”, a mobile application that allows elderly to digitise and share their family history, and enables them to be included in our digital society.

By using computer vision and natural language processing, the process to digitise and share their family history is simplified to better fit the elderly’s needs.
The application also educates elderly, helping to increase their confidence and reduce the barrier of using other digital applications.

Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO)
· computer vision · natural language processing · machine learning
· qualitative research · expert interviews · business model design · prototyping · concept validation · co-creation workshops · user research · proof of technology

// our process

To validate and refine our concept we assembled a small interdisciplinary team of a service designer, business designer, engineer and strategist.
In 3 months time we conducted literature reviews and market research, validated the concept through qualitative testing, facilitated online co-creation workshops with (grand)children, developed and validated the business model and initiated collaborations with city archives.
Since we were in the midst of a global pandemic, conducting research - especially with elderly - was a challenge. That’s why, Instead of conducting in-person interviews, we created diaries for the elderly to fill in with their family members or in support of their caretaker.

// the results

In three months we created and refined the concept for “Vergeet-me-nietjes”.
We use AI (computer vision and natural language processing) to make the application less labour intensive and thereby more inclusive for elderly.
The platform helps to increase elderly's confidence and digital savviness, reducing the barrier of using other digital applications.
Elke keer als wij bij onze grootouders door het archief gingen en daar alle foto’s, brieven en rapporten zagen die zij hadden bewaard van vroeger, viel het ons op wat een uniek inzicht het geeft niet alleen in het persoonlijke leven maar ook in de vaderlandse geschiedenis. Het zou heel erg zonde zijn als dit materiaal zomaar verloren zou gaan.

Jasper Nip



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